Lycoming to Lock Haven Project
Project Description
The project centered on the replacement of approximately 335 existing transmission structures along PPL's 69 kV line corridor, stretching from Jersey Shore to Lock Haven in Clinton and Lycoming Counties, Pennsylvania. The primary objectives were to bolster electric reliability and enhance energy efficiency by replacing existing poles with structures capable of supporting larger and heavier conductors.
Though the majority of the project unfolded along the existing corridor, the final two miles necessitated a rerouting due to the proximity of the transmission structures to residential areas. Given the project's span across two counties, two distinct Joint Permit applications were meticulously prepared and submitted to the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP). These applications addressed potential impacts to streams, wetlands, and floodways. Additionally, a Section 10 permit from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) was secured for the aerial crossing of the Susquehanna River, deemed a navigable river. The USACE also issued a Section 408 permit to manage impacts associated with a levee.
Considering the project's location within a high-quality watershed, an individual National Pollutant Discharge and Elimination System (NPDES) permit was imperative. The project team strategically minimized permanent wetland impacts to a mere 0.001 acres by thoughtfully placing structures to span the majority of the project area's wetlands. Furthermore, the construction of access roads and work areas was meticulously executed to mitigate temporary impacts on wetlands and streams to the greatest extent possible. This proactive and comprehensive approach exemplifies our commitment to environmental stewardship and regulatory compliance throughout the project's lifecycle.
Services Provided
- Surveying
- Engineering
- Environmental Permitting