Highway 165 HDDs
Project Description
AEDES worked with Dominion Energy South Carolina (DESC) over a two-year period to complete design, permitting assistance and construction oversight of 5 HDDs of 8-inch HDPE that were part of a larger project with DESC. The team completed geotechnical investigations for the proposed HDD locations while abiding by federal, state and local laws regarding investigative work in wetlands. AEDES worked with DESC to develop requirements for rights-of-way, temporary workspace, subsurface conditions, and site-specific conditions that would affect the construction of the HDDs. AEDES incorporated the client’s drawing standards and reviewed their specifications to depict on each drawing. Based on the geotechnical results and other engineering information, AEDES developed a hydrofracture report that provided an indication where AEDES and DESC could expect an inadvertent spill during the drilling of the pilot hole. In addition, AEDES developed the Inadvertent spill plan for all 5 drills and contracted a third-party inspection firm for the drill oversight. The drills were completed on time within the larger construction effort.
Services Provided
- Surveying
- Civil Engineering
- Environmental Permitting