Wendy K. Schellhamer, LEED® AP
Environmental Lead
Wendy Schellhamer is an environmental scientist with more than 30 years of experience with environmental surveys and investigation, permitting, and preparation of compliance documents. Her expertise includes wetlands delineation, habitat evaluation, and Phase I ESAs. She is proficient in providing threatened and endangered habitat inventories and preparing documentation to comply with NEPA regulations, including EISs, EAs, and Categorical Exclusions (CEs). Wendy has written portions of EISs for major transportation projects evaluating impacts to wetlands, vegetation and wildlife, threatened and endangered species, and hazardous waste. She has experience completing documentation for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Section 404 permits and has worked extensively with the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (PADEP), Maryland Department of Environment (MDE), Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA), and several other state agencies.